Class VcsBranchTaskExporter

    • Method Detail

      • toTaskConfiguration

        public @NotNull Map<String,​String> toTaskConfiguration​(@NotNull
                                                                     @NotNull TaskContainer taskContainer,
                                                                     @NotNull com.atlassian.bamboo.specs.api.model.task.TaskProperties taskProperties)
        Description copied from interface: TaskDefinitionExporter
        Converts properties to Bamboo task configuration. Can use all Bamboo server side services and can access DB if necessary. Should throw a runtime exception if conversion fails.
        taskContainer - current task container (a job or an environment for instance)
        taskProperties - the current task
        task configuration
      • toSpecsEntity

        public @NotNull toSpecsEntity​(@NotNull
                                                                                             @NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
        Description copied from interface: TaskDefinitionExporter
        Create Bamboo Specs object representing this task. Implementors don't need to handle common task properties like e.g. enabled/disabled, but must task specific configuration.
      • validate

        public @NotNull List<com.atlassian.bamboo.specs.api.validators.common.ValidationProblem> validate​(@NotNull
                                                                                                          @NotNull TaskValidationContext taskValidationContext,
                                                                                                          @NotNull com.atlassian.bamboo.specs.api.model.task.TaskProperties taskProperties)
        Description copied from interface: TaskDefinitionExporter
        Validates task properties in context of enclosing plan or deployment properties. Should check for any inconsistencies between task definition and the rest of plan or deployment content, as it is provided in the validation context. Returns list of validation errors or empty if everything is ok.

        Should check RSS permissions if necessary.