Class BitbucketServerTagCreator

    • Constructor Detail

      • BitbucketServerTagCreator

        public BitbucketServerTagCreator()
    • Method Detail

      • createTag

        public void createTag​(@NotNull
                              @NotNull VcsRepositoryData repositoryData,
                              @NotNull String tagName,
                              @NotNull String vcsRevisionKey,
                              @Nullable String checkoutLocation,
                              @Nullable BuildLogger buildLogger)
                       throws RepositoryException
        Description copied from interface: VcsTagCreator
        Creates new tag from revision vcsRevisionKey with given tagName. If code was checked out during job - checkout location will be given If called from something having build context (like task) - build logger may be given for some logs in result
        Specified by:
        createTag in interface VcsTagCreator