Package com.atlassian.bamboo.pageobjects.pages.plan.result
Class Summary Class Description CodeCommit CommitComponent A part ofResultSummaryCommitsPage
, representing a single commit section.EphemeralJobResultSummaryPage JobResultViewLogs PlanResultLogActivityPage PlanResultTestsPage PlanResultWebhooksPage QuarantineConfirmationDialog Confirmation dialog which is displayed before quarantining a test case.ResultComment ResultJobArtifactsPage ResultJobArtifactsPage.Artifact ResultSummaryCommitsPage A page containing all commits for a single build result.ResultSummaryMetadataPage A page containing all metadata for a single build result.TestCaseActionsComponent A pop-up list of actions which can be performed for a test case.TestTableElement Represents test table as it appears on Build/Job result page on tab TestsTestTableRowElement Represents row of test table