Interface CacheRemoteAccessor

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface CacheRemoteAccessor
    The API for executing common cache operations originating from remote nodes. The scope of responsibility involves resolving cache keys/values represented as strings (performed as XStream deserialization) and then executing changes on the local cache. All methods should execute the cache operations only locally and DO NOT propagate any events to other nodes in the cluster.
    • Method Detail

      • processRemotePut

        void processRemotePut​(@Nullable
                              @Nullable String key,
                              @Nullable String value)
      • processRemotePutIfAbsent

        void processRemotePutIfAbsent​(@Nullable
                                      @Nullable String key,
                                      @Nullable String value)
      • processRemoteRemove

        void processRemoteRemove​(@Nullable
                                 @Nullable String key)
      • processRemoteRemove

        void processRemoteRemove​(@Nullable
                                 @Nullable String key,
                                 @Nullable String value)
      • processRemoteRemoveAll

        void processRemoteRemoveAll()
      • processRemoteReplace

        void processRemoteReplace​(@Nullable
                                  @Nullable String key,
                                  @Nullable String oldValue,
                                  @Nullable String newValue)
      • getBulkFromRemote

        void getBulkFromRemote​(@Nullable
                               @Nullable Map<String,​String> entriesToPopulate)