Class BuildExpiryPerPlanTransformer

    • Constructor Detail

      • BuildExpiryPerPlanTransformer

        public BuildExpiryPerPlanTransformer()
    • Method Detail

      • transformBuildDefinition

        public void transformBuildDefinition​(@NotNull
                                             @NotNull Map<String,​Object> configObjects,
                                             @NotNull Map<String,​String> configParameters,
                                             @NotNull BuildDefinition buildDefinition)
        Description copied from interface: CustomBuildDefinitionTransformer
        Implementors can add their custom objects to the configObjects map. The key should be unique to plugin... It's better to be descriptive. It is possible to also update the buildDefinition directly, but it's not recommended.
        Specified by:
        transformBuildDefinition in interface CustomBuildDefinitionTransformer
        configObjects - - Map - string key, object value. A map to put custom objects into.
        configParameters - - Map - String key, string value. These are taken from all fields that begin with "custom."
        buildDefinition - - the fully constructed BuildDefinition