Class ChainMovedEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    PlanEvent, Serializable

    public class ChainMovedEvent
    extends ChainUpdatedEvent
    Synchronous event sent after a chain has been moved allowing plugins and Bamboo components to react on chain key change. This event is delivered immediately after the main "move plan" transaction commits successfully. A separate event is sent for the master chain and each branch of the plan. While this event is processed immutablePlanCacheService holds a lock on original plan key. Note that @AsynchronousPreferred annotation must not be used here
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ChainMovedEvent

        public ChainMovedEvent​(@NotNull
                               @NotNull Object source,
                               @NotNull PlanKey originalPlanKey,
                               PlanKey newPlanKey)
        source - event sender
        originalPlanKey - Chain's key before change
        newPlanKey - Chain's key after change
    • Method Detail

      • getOriginalPlanKey

        public PlanKey getOriginalPlanKey()
      • getNewPlanKey

        public PlanKey getNewPlanKey()