Class PerforceCapabilityType

    • Constructor Detail

      • PerforceCapabilityType

        public PerforceCapabilityType()
    • Method Detail

      • getSortOrder

        public int getSortOrder()
        Description copied from interface: CapabilityType
        Specifies how early in the UI the type should be shown
      • getCapabilityTypeKey

        public @NotNull String getCapabilityTypeKey()
        Description copied from interface: CapabilityType
        The key for the type typically lower case
      • getCapabilityTypeLabel

        public @NotNull String getCapabilityTypeLabel()
        Description copied from interface: CapabilityType
        Human readable version of the key
      • getLabel

        public @NotNull String getLabel​(@NotNull
                                        @NotNull String key)
        Description copied from interface: CapabilityType
        The display label
      • getExtraInfo

        public @Nullable String getExtraInfo​(@NotNull
                                             @NotNull String key)
        Description copied from interface: CapabilityType
        Displayed after the label
      • getValueDescriptionKey

        public @Nullable String getValueDescriptionKey​(@NotNull
                                                       @NotNull String key,
                                                       @Nullable String value)
        Description copied from interface: CapabilityType
        Given the key and value, show any custom description for the value
      • isAllowRename

        public boolean isAllowRename()
        Description copied from interface: CapabilityType
        Can you rename the key for this type
      • getNewKeyFromLabel

        public @NotNull String getNewKeyFromLabel​(@NotNull
                                                  @NotNull String oldKey,
                                                  @NotNull String label)
        Description copied from interface: CapabilityType
        From the key and label, return a new key. This is used in the rename process
      • validate

        public @NotNull Map<String,​String> validate​(@NotNull
                                                          @NotNull Map<String,​String[]> params)
        Description copied from interface: CapabilityType
        Validate given an action params map.
        Map with errors. key = field name, value = error message
      • getCapability

        public @NotNull Capability getCapability​(@NotNull
                                                 @NotNull Map<String,​String[]> params)
        Description copied from interface: CapabilityType
        Returns a new capability given the action params map