Class BambooFieldValidate

  • public class BambooFieldValidate
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • checkFieldXssSafety

        public static void checkFieldXssSafety​(com.atlassian.struts.ValidationAware validationAware,
                                               com.opensymphony.xwork2.TextProvider textProvider,
                                               String fieldName,
                                               String fieldValue)
      • checkFieldXssSafety

        public static ErrorCollection checkFieldXssSafety​(com.opensymphony.xwork2.TextProvider textProvider,
                                                          String fieldName,
                                                          String fieldValue)
      • checkFieldXssSafety

        public static void checkFieldXssSafety​(@NotNull
                                               @NotNull Map<String,​String> fieldErrors,
                                               com.opensymphony.xwork2.TextProvider textProvider,
                                               String fieldName,
                                               String fieldValue)
        Check if field content is XSS safe.
        fieldErrors - if field contains XSS unsafe characters, appropriate error would be added to this map
        textProvider - TextProvider bean
        fieldName - name of the field that is being checked
        fieldValue - value of the field
      • checkFieldXssSafety

        public static void checkFieldXssSafety​(@NotNull
                                               @NotNull ErrorCollection errorCollection,
                                               com.opensymphony.xwork2.TextProvider textProvider,
                                               String fieldName,
                                               String fieldValue)
        Check if field content is XSS safe.
        errorCollection - if field contains XSS unsafe characters, appropriate error would be added to this ErrorCollection
        textProvider - TextProvider bean
        fieldName - name of the field that is being checked
        fieldValue - value of the field
      • checkFieldXssSafety

        public static void checkFieldXssSafety​(@NotNull
                                               @NotNull ErrorCollection errorCollection,
                                               com.atlassian.sal.api.message.I18nResolver i18nResolver,
                                               String fieldName,
                                               String fieldValue)
      • findFieldRelaxedXssViolation

        public static boolean findFieldRelaxedXssViolation​(ErrorCollection errorCollection,
                                                           com.opensymphony.xwork2.TextProvider textProvider,
                                                           String fieldName,
                                                           String fieldValue)
      • findFieldRelaxedXssViolation

        public static boolean findFieldRelaxedXssViolation​(ErrorCollection errorCollection,
                                                           com.atlassian.sal.api.message.I18nResolver i18nResolver,
                                                           String fieldName,
                                                           String fieldValue)
      • findFieldShellInjectionViolation

        public static boolean findFieldShellInjectionViolation​(ErrorCollection errorCollection,
                                                               com.atlassian.sal.api.message.I18nResolver i18nResolver,
                                                               String fieldName,
                                                               @Nullable String fieldValue)