Interface TaskProcessCommandDecoratorModuleDescriptor

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      @NotNull Set<String> getDecorableTaskTypeKeys()
      Return set of fully qualified keys of task types that this decorator can decorate
      boolean isApplicableToTaskType​(@NotNull String testedPluginModuleKey)
      Check if task type identified by pluginKey can be decorated by this decorator
      • Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.plugin.ModuleDescriptor

        destroy, equals, getCompleteKey, getDescription, getDescriptionKey, getDisplayName, getI18nNameKey, getKey, getMinJavaVersion, getModule, getModuleClass, getName, getParams, getPlugin, getPluginKey, hashCode, init, isBroken, isEnabled, isEnabledByDefault, isSystemModule, satisfiesMinJavaVersion, setBroken
      • Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.plugin.Resourced

        getResourceDescriptor, getResourceDescriptors, getResourceLocation
      • Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.plugin.ScopeAware

    • Method Detail

      • getDecorableTaskTypeKeys

        @NotNull Set<String> getDecorableTaskTypeKeys()
        Return set of fully qualified keys of task types that this decorator can decorate
        set of strings
      • isApplicableToTaskType

        boolean isApplicableToTaskType​(@NotNull
                                       @NotNull String testedPluginModuleKey)
        Check if task type identified by pluginKey can be decorated by this decorator
        pluginKey - {#link TaskType}'s plugin key
        true if decorator is applicable to the given task, false otherwise