Class AbstractTaskConfigurator

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractTaskConfigurator

        public AbstractTaskConfigurator()
    • Method Detail

      • generateTaskConfigMap

        public @NotNull Map<String,​String> generateTaskConfigMap​(@NotNull
                                                                       @NotNull ActionParametersMap params,
                                                                       @Nullable TaskDefinition previousTaskDefinition)
        Description copied from interface: TaskConfigurator
        Convert the params from the ui into a config map to be stored in the database for the taskDefinition. Can assume validation has occurred in the #validate method
        Specified by:
        generateTaskConfigMap in interface TaskConfigurator
        params - - request paramaters
        previousTaskDefinition - - the previous immutable TaskDefinition before saving or null if Task is being created
        the configuration map to be stored in the database
      • populateContextForCreate

        public void populateContextForCreate​(@NotNull
                                             @NotNull Map<String,​Object> context)
        Description copied from interface: TaskConfigurator
        Provide any required context to be used when rendering the freemarker template for creating a task definition. Allows you to add any default values for initial creation
        Specified by:
        populateContextForCreate in interface TaskConfigurator
        context - map to put your context in.
      • populateContextForEdit

        public void populateContextForEdit​(@NotNull
                                           @NotNull Map<String,​Object> context,
                                           @NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
        Description copied from interface: TaskConfigurator
        Provide any required context to be used when rendering the freemarker template for view editing a task definition
        Specified by:
        populateContextForEdit in interface TaskConfigurator
        context - map to put your context in.
        taskDefinition - existing task definition
      • populateContextForView

        public void populateContextForView​(@NotNull
                                           @NotNull Map<String,​Object> context,
                                           @NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
        since 5.13, tasks do not have view UI anymore and any overrides of this method are not executed
      • validate

        public void validate​(@NotNull
                             @NotNull ActionParametersMap params,
                             @NotNull ErrorCollection errorCollection)
        Description copied from interface: TaskConfigurator
        Validate the params submitted from the UI for this task definition
        Specified by:
        validate in interface TaskConfigurator
        params - - request paramaters
        errorCollection - - collection to put any errors in.
      • getI18nBean

        protected final I18nBean getI18nBean()
      • setTaskConfiguratorHelper

        public void setTaskConfiguratorHelper​(TaskConfiguratorHelper taskConfiguratorHelper)
        since 6.8 use constructor injection or annotation injection
      • setAuthenticationContext

        public void setAuthenticationContext​(BambooAuthenticationContext bambooAuthenticationContext)
        since 6.8 use constructor injection or annotation injection