Class ArtifactStorageSoftLimitExceededNotification

    • Constructor Detail

      • ArtifactStorageSoftLimitExceededNotification

        public ArtifactStorageSoftLimitExceededNotification()
    • Method Detail

      • getDescription

        public @NotNull String getDescription()
        Description copied from interface: Notification
        Text describing this notification object - used for logging/debugging purposes.
        Notification's description
      • getEmailSubject

        public @Nullable String getEmailSubject()
                                         throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: Notification
        Retrieves the subject for the notification.
        Email subject for this notification
        Exception - if there is a problem preventing production of the e-mail subject.
      • getTextEmailContent

        public @Nullable String getTextEmailContent()
                                             throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: Notification
        Generates the text email content for the notifications
        Email content formatted as text for this notification
        Exception - if there is a problem preventing production of the e-mail content.
      • getHtmlEmailContent

        public @Nullable String getHtmlEmailContent()
                                             throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: Notification
        Generates the html for the html part of an email notification.
        Email content formatted as HTML for this notification
        Exception - if there is a problem preventing production of the e-mail content.