Interface StorageTagService

    • Method Detail

      • getChainStorageTag

        @Nullable ChainStorageTag getChainStorageTag​(@NotNull
                                                     @NotNull PlanKey chainKey)
        storage tag for the specified chain. The storage tag is used to determine the storage location for artifacts, logs and other files related to the chain. A chain's storage tag is assigned when the chain is created and it never changes.
        IllegalArgumentException - if supplied with a job key instead of a chain key.
      • getStorageLabel

        @NotNull String getStorageLabel​(@NotNull
                                        @NotNull Key key)
        Returns the storage label for the specified key. For chains, the storage label is equal to the storage tag (eg. "PROJ-PLAN" or "12345"). For jobs, the storage label is "{chain-storage-tag}-{partial-job-key}" (eg. "12345-JOB6"). For all other entities the storage label is the build key.