Interface StorageCappingService

    • Field Detail


        static final long ARTIFACT_WITH_UNKNOWN_SIZE_REMOVED
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • isHardLimitExceeded

        boolean isHardLimitExceeded()
        Check if hard limit from AdministrationConfiguration.getStorageLimit() is exceeded by local disk space usage.
        false if feature is disabled or S3 artifact handler is enabled or disk usage is lower than hard limit
      • isSoftLimitExceeded

        boolean isSoftLimitExceeded()
        Check if soft limit from AdministrationConfiguration.getStorageLimit() is exceeded by local disk space usage.
        false if feature is disabled or S3 artifact handler is enabled or disk usage is lower than soft limit
      • onArtifactUpdated

        void onArtifactUpdated​(@Nullable
                               @Nullable PlanResultKey cause,
                               long artifactSizeDiff)
        Invalidate disk usage values, check soft/hard limit boundaries and send notifications. Call of this method can be expensive if artifact table is large.
        cause - planResultKey which caused artifact storage size recalculation. It will be ignored when cancel running plans
        artifactSizeDiff - can be positive or negative. If artifact was created, use it's size. If size is unknown, use 0. If artifact was removed then use negative size (artifact_size*-1) or use ARTIFACT_WITH_UNKNOWN_SIZE_REMOVED if size is unknown.
      • initializeStorageLimits

        void initializeStorageLimits()
        Check if current disk space used by artifacts fits soft/hard limits.