Class BitbucketServerPullRequestDetector

    • Constructor Detail

      • BitbucketServerPullRequestDetector

        public BitbucketServerPullRequestDetector()
    • Method Detail

      • getVcsIdForExecutor

        public @Nullable ContextualVcsId<VcsPullRequestDetector> getVcsIdForExecutor​(@NotNull
                                                                                     @NotNull VcsRepositoryData vcsRepositoryData)
        Description copied from interface: IdentifyingExecutor
        Returned id has to fulfill the following: Given two VcsRepositoryData objects A and B, and executor e returning equal ContextualVcsId (in terms of equals()), for any operation foo() provided by the executor, the calls e::foo(A) and e::foo(B) should be equivalent. To be more precise: given any time point t and any variable context v, calling a::foo(A) should yield the same results as calling e::foo(B). Given the above it follows that - calculation of the id should take into account global and plan variables. This means, that calling this method on the same object in different variable context can (possibly must) yield different results. - equal ids need not (and should not) guarantee equal call results over indefinite time. In particular, result of e:foo(A).equals(e::foo(A)) is allowed to be false, since 2 calls to e::foo(A) do not happen at the same time. Example: 2 git repositories with the same url and credentials are considered equal in context of VcsBranchDetector. If they also point to the same branch, they are considered equal in context of VcsChangeDetector
        Specified by:
        getVcsIdForExecutor in interface IdentifyingExecutor<VcsPullRequestDetector>
        the id of repository, can be null if no feasible identification algorithm exists
      • getPullRequestsByRepository

        protected<> getPullRequestsByRepository​(com.atlassian.applinks.api.ApplicationLink applicationLink,
                                                                                                                                                            String project,
                                                                                                                                                            String repoSlug,
                                                                                                                                                            Integer startIndex,
                                                                                                                                                            long limit,
                                                                                                                                                            long repositoryId)
                                                                                                                                                     throws RepositoryException
      • usePollingForPullRequestDetection

        public boolean usePollingForPullRequestDetection​(@NotNull
                                                         @NotNull VcsRepositoryData repositoryData)
        Description copied from interface: VcsPullRequestDetector
        Check if Bamboo needs to actively poll in order to detect new/deleted pull requests for specific repository configuration.
        Specified by:
        usePollingForPullRequestDetection in interface VcsPullRequestDetector
        repositoryData - repository
        - true if Bamboo need periodically contact the remote repository in order to update list of known pull requests. - false if repository is capable of detecting pull requests using one of available "push" method, e.g. REST resource, remote event.
      • supportsForkedPullRequests

        public boolean supportsForkedPullRequests()
        Description copied from interface: VcsPullRequestDetector
        Whether pull requests from forked repositories are handled.
        Specified by:
        supportsForkedPullRequests in interface VcsPullRequestDetector
        - true if detector supports pull requests from forked repositories - false if it does not