Class BambooDefaultServlet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, javax.servlet.Servlet, javax.servlet.ServletConfig

    public class BambooDefaultServlet
    extends org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet
    Default static resource serving servlet that only serves files from allowed paths or files listed in the allowed files list.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet

        org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet.CompressionFormat, org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet.Range
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet

        BUFFER_SIZE, compressionFormats, contextXsltFile, debug, fileEncoding, FULL, globalXsltFile, input, listings, localXsltFile, mimeSeparation, output, readmeFile, readOnly, resources, sendfileSize, showServerInfo, sm, sortListings, sortManager, useAcceptRanges
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void doGet​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
      Handles HTTP GET requests.
      • Methods inherited from class org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet

        checkIfHeaders, checkIfMatch, checkIfModifiedSince, checkIfNoneMatch, checkIfUnmodifiedSince, checkSendfile, copy, copy, copy, copy, copyRange, copyRange, copyRange, destroy, determineMethodsAllowed, doDelete, doHead, doOptions, doPost, doPut, executePartialPut, findXsltSource, generateETag, getPathPrefix, getReadme, getRelativePath, getRelativePath, init, parseContentRange, parseRange, render, render, renderHtml, renderHtml, renderSize, renderXml, renderXml, rewriteUrl, sendNotAllowed, serveResource, service
      • Methods inherited from class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet

        doTrace, getLastModified, service
      • Methods inherited from class javax.servlet.GenericServlet

        getInitParameter, getInitParameterNames, getServletConfig, getServletContext, getServletInfo, getServletName, init, log, log
    • Constructor Detail

      • BambooDefaultServlet

        public BambooDefaultServlet()
    • Method Detail

      • doGet

        public void doGet​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                          javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
        Handles HTTP GET requests.

        This method serves files from allowed paths or files that exactly match the paths in the allowed files list. It verifies if the requested resource corresponds to a valid file and if it's located in one of the allowed paths. If the file is listed in the allowed files list, it's considered valid regardless of its path. If the real path doesn't correspond to a file, or if the requested path is not in the allowed list or the allowed files list, a 404 error is returned. In case of any IOException or ServletException, an internal server error (500) is returned.

        doGet in class org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet
        request - the HTTP request
        response - the HTTP response