Interface BambooVcsBranch

    • Method Detail

      • isEqualToBranchWith

        boolean isEqualToBranchWith​(@NotNull
                                    @NotNull String otherName)
        true if this object is equal to a branch with given properties.
      • getChain

        @Nullable Chain getChain()
        Returns the master chain associated with the VCS branch. Depending on how it is retrieved, the value could not be set though.
        master chain associated with the VCS branch
      • setChain

        void setChain​(@NotNull
                      @NotNull Chain chain)
      • getChainId

        long getChainId()
      • setChainId

        void setChainId​(@NotNull
                        @org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull long chainId)
      • setName

        void setName​(@NotNull
                     @NotNull String name)
      • getDetectedDeletionDate

        @Nullable Date getDetectedDeletionDate()
      • setDetectedDeletionDate

        void setDetectedDeletionDate​(@Nullable
                                     @Nullable Date detectedDeletionDate)