Class BambooHibernate

  • public class BambooHibernate
    extends Object
    Hibernate has Hibernate.entity() method used to provide entity types for registered persistentClasses. Immutable types are not reigstered with Hibernate, so they can't be used in Hibernate operations. In most of the cases, using Immutable types doesn't make sense anyway. One of the exceptions is usage of immutable types in queries. This class provides an entity() method that will work with HQL queries. To use it, instead of calling Query.setParameter(String, Object), use Query.setParameter(String, Object, org.hibernate.type.Type) )}, and use entity(com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.cache.ImmutablePlan) to provide type.
    • Method Detail

      • entity

        public static org.hibernate.type.Type entity​(ImmutablePlan plan)