Interface DeletionService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface DeletionService
    In order to minimize time required for object deletion it is instead marked for deletion and deleted at a later date. executeDelayedDeletion() should be called to cleanup data scheduled for deletion.
    • Method Detail

      • deleteProject

        void deleteProject​(@NotNull
                           @NotNull Project project)
      • deletePlan

        void deletePlan​(@NotNull
                        @NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
      • deleteStagesIgnoringBranchesAndJobs

        void deleteStagesIgnoringBranchesAndJobs​(Iterable<ChainStage> stagesToDelete)
        Delete all the stages on the list. This method DOES NOT cascade to branches and jobs and only removes objects that are explicitly listed.
        stagesToDelete -
      • deleteJobsIgnoringBranches

        void deleteJobsIgnoringBranches​(Iterable<? extends Job> jobsToDelete)
        Delete all the jobs on the list. This method DOES NOT cascade to branches and only removes objects that are explicitly listed.
        jobsToDelete -
      • deleteStage

        void deleteStage​(@NotNull
                         @NotNull ImmutableChainStage chainStage)
        Schedules the supplied stage for deletion.
      • executeDelayedDeletion

        void executeDelayedDeletion()
        Cleanup data scheduled for deletion during deletePlan(Plan)
      • removeOrphanedBuildResults

        void removeOrphanedBuildResults()
        Clean up any orphaned build results lying around.
      • executeDelayedDeletionBlocking

        void executeDelayedDeletionBlocking()
        Clean up any orphaned build results lying around. Blocking call if deletion lock is taken.
      • suspendDeletions

        void suspendDeletions()
        Blocks until all currently deleted objects are deleted and then suspends deletions.
      • suspendDeletions

        boolean suspendDeletions​(long secondsToWait)
      • resumeDeletions

        void resumeDeletions()
        Resumes delayed deletion.