Class ViewAgentRecentBuildsSummary

    • Constructor Detail

      • ViewAgentRecentBuildsSummary

        public ViewAgentRecentBuildsSummary()
    • Method Detail

      • getFilteredResultsList

        public @NotNull List getFilteredResultsList​(int firstResult,
                                                    int maxResults)
        Description copied from interface: LazyPaginationAware
        Implementing actions should initialize and return up to maxResults items ranging from firstResult from the underlying list of uninitialized items
        Specified by:
        getFilteredResultsList in interface LazyPaginationAware
        firstResult - index of first item
        maxResults - number of items to be returned
        range of initialized results from underlying full list of uninitialized items
      • getResultsCount

        public int getResultsCount()
        Description copied from interface: LazyPaginationAware
        Implementing actions should return a total number of items that are subject to pagination
        Specified by:
        getResultsCount in interface LazyPaginationAware
        number of items in the underlying list
      • setAgentId

        public void setAgentId​(long agentId)
      • getAgentId

        public long getAgentId()