Package com.atlassian.bamboo.agent.classserver
Interface Summary Interface Description AgentClassServer ProvidesAgentClassServer
sAgentServerManager Manages the interactions between the server and the agentsClasspathDiscoverer Discovers the classpath of the agent using theServletContext
of the web app.ClassServerManifest Provides a description of what the classpath contains and what should be removed on the agent -
Class Summary Class Description AgentClassServerImpl AgentInstallerServlet Adds the '' to the agent installer jar available from the Bamboo Agent Admin UI to reduce dependencies that need to be downloaded from the serverAgentServerManagerImpl AgentServerServlet BambooAgentInstallerAction ClasspathDiscovererImpl ClasspathJarUtils ClasspathJarUtils.JarBuilderWalker ClassServerManifestImpl FileHashDescriptor GetFingerprintAction GetJarServlet Used byUpgradeRemoteAgent
GetPackageServlet Used byUpgradeRemoteAgent
GetResourceServlet This servlet is used for bootstrap upgrades /UpgradeRemoteAgent
.GetResourcesServlet Used byUpgradeRemoteAgent
.JarDescriptor Provides information about a single JarPluginArtifactServlet Serves all the user installed plugins to the remote agent