Interface FeatureManager

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface FeatureManager
    An interface that controls what features are turned on and off.
    • Method Detail

      • isLocalAgentsSupported

        boolean isLocalAgentsSupported()
        Whether local agents are enabled
      • isRemoteAgentsSupported

        boolean isRemoteAgentsSupported()
        Whether remote agents are enabled
      • isRemoteAgentsManagementEnabled

        boolean isRemoteAgentsManagementEnabled()
        Whether remote agents can be managed by admin
      • isElasticAgentsSupported

        boolean isElasticAgentsSupported()
        Whether elastic agents are enabled
      • isRequiredEc2Configuration

        boolean isRequiredEc2Configuration()
        since 8.0 returns false always
        Whether EC2 configuration is required for plan creation
      • getBuildArtifactSizeLimit

        Optional<Long> getBuildArtifactSizeLimit()
        Maximum size of artifacts for single build result in bytes
        maximum artifact size in bytes when limit set, Optional.empty()) if not
      • isRotpEnabled

        boolean isRotpEnabled()
        Whether to show rotp features or not.
      • isRotpProjectShortcutsEnabled

        boolean isRotpProjectShortcutsEnabled()
        Whether to show rotp project shortcuts feature or not.
      • isRotpAdminShortcutsEnabled

        boolean isRotpAdminShortcutsEnabled()
        Whether to use rotp admin shortcuts or not.
      • isPdlEnabled

        boolean isPdlEnabled()
        Whether to use the new pdl or not
      • isRemovingLabelsAndCommentsAllowedForNonPlanAdmin

        boolean isRemovingLabelsAndCommentsAllowedForNonPlanAdmin()
        Returns true if EDIT permission on plan is not required for removing plans and labels
      • isFusionDeploymentsSupportEnabled

        boolean isFusionDeploymentsSupportEnabled()
        Whether Bamboo should provide environment related data to Fusion app (BDEV-4007)
      • isUpdatingStashWithBuildStatusEnabled

        boolean isUpdatingStashWithBuildStatusEnabled()
        Whether updating Stash with build status after builds are completed is enabled.
        true if updating stash (Bitbucket Server) with build statuses is enabled
      • isUpdatingStashWithDeploymentsEnabled

        boolean isUpdatingStashWithDeploymentsEnabled()
        Whether updating Stash (Bitbucket Server) with deployments from deployment projects is enabled
        true if deployments should be posted to Stash (Bitbucket Server)
      • isUpdatingStashWithExtendedBuildStatusEnabled

        boolean isUpdatingStashWithExtendedBuildStatusEnabled()
        Whether updating Stash with extended build statuses is disabled
        false if build statuses should be posted to the legacy endpoint. Otherwise true
      • isPublicIpRequiredForVpc

        boolean isPublicIpRequiredForVpc()
        Whether the current Bamboo setup prevents people from using VPCs unless their instances have a public IP.
      • isRemoteAgentShellEnabled

        boolean isRemoteAgentShellEnabled()
      • isGravatarConfigurable

        boolean isGravatarConfigurable()
      • isSoxComplianceModeConfigurable

        boolean isSoxComplianceModeConfigurable()
        Whether SOX compliance is configurable (if not then it is disabled)
      • isRepositoryDashboardEnabled

        boolean isRepositoryDashboardEnabled()
        Whether new repository UI is enabled.
      • isArtifactHandlerUiEnabled

        boolean isArtifactHandlerUiEnabled()
        Whether we let the user configure artifact handlers.
      • isExportToJavaSpecsEnabled

        default boolean isExportToJavaSpecsEnabled()
        since 7.1, always true
        true when export to Bamboo Java Specs feature is enabled.
      • isRepositoryStoredSpecsEnabled

        boolean isRepositoryStoredSpecsEnabled()
        true when Repository Stored Specs (RSS) feature is enabled (do not mistake it with enabling RSS processing accessible from Administration / Security Settings)
      • isDockerPipelinesEnabled

        boolean isDockerPipelinesEnabled()
        true if docker pipelines feature is enabled.
      • isCrowdRecoveryModeEnabled

        boolean isCrowdRecoveryModeEnabled()
        true if Bamboo started in password recovery mode, -Datlassian.recovery.password=password
      • isRssPollingEnabled

        boolean isRssPollingEnabled()
        true if polling for rss changes is enabled
      • isCreateDeploymentGrantedByProjects

        boolean isCreateDeploymentGrantedByProjects()
        true if create permission on any project grants create deployment
      • isPerformanceDataGatheringEnabled

        boolean isPerformanceDataGatheringEnabled()
        Returns true if Bamboo is measuring and gathering performance data.
      • isArtifactsAsLogsEnabled

        boolean isArtifactsAsLogsEnabled()
        True if live logs can be switched off (logs as artifacts enabled) or instance is Data Center.
      • isDataCenter

        boolean isDataCenter()
      • isProjectLevelBuildResourcesEnabled

        boolean isProjectLevelBuildResourcesEnabled()
        True if project level build resources are enabled
      • isAgentBuildResiliencyOn

        default boolean isAgentBuildResiliencyOn()
        Is agent build resiliency on
      • isSeamlessRestartsPersistenceEnabled

        boolean isSeamlessRestartsPersistenceEnabled()
        True if seamless restarts' persistence is turned on.
      • isSeamlessRestartEnabled

        boolean isSeamlessRestartEnabled()
        True if seamless restarts are currently enabled.
      • isViewConfigurationPermissionEnabled

        boolean isViewConfigurationPermissionEnabled()
        True if view configuration is enabled.
      • isAlwaysCreatePlanSpecsResult

        boolean isAlwaysCreatePlanSpecsResult()
        True if RSS should always create specs result, even if plan is not changed by a commit.