Package com.atlassian.bamboo.persister.xstream

Interface Summary
ConverterFactory Factory of XStream Converters.

Provides custom XStream Mappers that wraps around the default chain of mappers.

XStreamFactory Creates custom instances of XStream.
XStreamInitializer Custom XStream initializer.

Common XStream persistence behaviour.


Class Summary
BambooDateTimeConverter This class lets us persist JODA DataTime objects without saving all the internal junk associated with the class.
BuildStateConverter Provided for backward compatibility - alows reading old (BuildState as class not Enum) xml files All new build results are stored in new format
CustomizableXStreamFactory XStreamFactory that can be customized with XStream components: mappers, converters, initializers and aliases.
DefaultXStreamManager Default implementation of XStreamManager.
DefaultXStreamManager.PluginXStreams Internal class that maintains mappings from plugins to corresponding XStreams
HibernateDefaultImplementationInitializer Use standard JDK collections instead of the Hibernate ones during deserialization.
IgnoreMissingFieldXStream An XStream unmarshaller that ignores any properties that it can't find.
RelativePath This class converts an Absolute Path into a Relative Path.
SecondsDateConverter This class is a temp bug fix for persisting dates in xstream

This was written to fix a bug in Xstream in that it ignored seconds.

SingletonConverterFactory Singleton ConverterFactory.
XStreamAdminConfigPersister Provides an XStream implementation of AdministrationConfiguration.
XStreamFunctions XStream funcions.

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