Interface ExtendedNotification

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCompletedNotification, AfterXFailedNotification, BuildCompletedNotification, BuildErrorNotification, BuildHungNotification, BuildMissingCapableAgentNotification, BuildQueueTimeoutNotification, ChainCompletedNotification, CommentNotification, StageCompletedNotification

public interface ExtendedNotification
extends Notification

Provides the Notification object with a way to add anything else to the email. For example adding attachments

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.atlassian.bamboo.notification.Notification
Method Summary
 com.atlassian.mail.Email updateEmail(com.atlassian.mail.Email email)
          Provides an email object after being populated with content from the Notification and Bamboo's defaults This email may be a text email, html email or a Multipart email
Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.bamboo.notification.Notification
addRecipient, excludeRecipient, getDescription, getEmailSubject, getEvent, getExcludedNotificationRecipients, getHtmlEmailContent, getIMContent, getNotificationRecipients, getTextEmailContent, setEvent, setExcludedNotificationRecipients, setNotificationRecipients

Method Detail


com.atlassian.mail.Email updateEmail(@NotNull
                                             com.atlassian.mail.Email email)
Provides an email object after being populated with content from the Notification and Bamboo's defaults This email may be a text email, html email or a Multipart email

email -
The email objected updated with anyt further information / changes required.

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