Uses of Class

Packages that use MergeResultState

Uses of MergeResultState in com.atlassian.bamboo.chains.branches

Methods in com.atlassian.bamboo.chains.branches that return MergeResultState
 MergeResultState MergeResultSummary.getMergeState()
          The state of the merge part of the integration strategy Should be NotNull but legacy data may exist
 MergeResultState MergeResultSummaryImpl.getMergeState()
 MergeResultState MergeResultSummary.getPushState()
          The state of the push part of the integration strategy Should be NotNull but legacy data may exist
 MergeResultState MergeResultSummaryImpl.getPushState()
static MergeResultState MergeResultState.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static MergeResultState[] MergeResultState.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in com.atlassian.bamboo.chains.branches with parameters of type MergeResultState
 void MergeResultSummary.setMergeState(MergeResultState mergeState)
 void MergeResultSummaryImpl.setMergeState(MergeResultState mergeState)
 void MergeResultSummary.setPushState(MergeResultState pushState)
 void MergeResultSummaryImpl.setPushState(MergeResultState pushState)

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