
Interface Summary
BuildStrategy This interface is used to determine if a build should be built.
BuildStrategyConfigurationService Service to perform Build Strategy manipulation actions on Chains.
BuildStrategyManager Interface to handle interactions with BuildStrategy objects
DeploymentProjectPlanUpdateAwareBuildStrategy Deployment build strategy that is aware of change of deployment project's source plan
EnvironmentDependencyService Keeps track of dependencies between Triggerable that are maintained as BuildStrategy
PlanDeletionAwareBuildStrategy Interface that marks strategies which can be affected when Plan is being deleted.
RepositoryAwareBuildStrategy Interface marking BuildStrategy that works with Source Repositories.
SourcePlanAwareBuildStrategy Deployment build strategy that defines which plan is the source of the artifacts.

Class Summary
AbstractBuildStrategy Common build strategy behaviour
CronTriggerBuildStrategy Build strategy specified by a cron expression
ManualBuildStrategy This class forces a manual build.
PollingBuildStrategy This class defines the build, only if the build has changed strategy.
PollingBuildStrategyJob Sets flag to trigger build
QuartzStrategyJob Sets flag to trigger build
SingleDailyBuildStrategy Builds once a day at a specified time.
StashBuildStrategy This class detects if remote events with Stash are working (it's new enough and everything is configured right) To make a triggered build.
StashBuildStrategyJob Sets flag to trigger build
TriggeredBuildStrategy This class lets someone else decide if the build should be built.

Enum Summary

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