Class DefaultAuditLogService

  extended by com.atlassian.bamboo.persister.DefaultAuditLogService
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultAuditLogService
extends java.lang.Object
implements AuditLogService

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.atlassian.bamboo.persister.AuditLogService
Constructor Summary
DefaultAuditLogService(AuditLogDao auditLogDao, BambooAuthenticationContext authenticationContext, AdministrationConfigurationManager administrationConfigurationManager)
Method Summary
 java.util.List<AuditLogEntry> getAuditLogMessagesForPlan(Plan plan)
          Provide a list of all audit log messages written against a plan.
 java.util.List<AuditLogEntry> getAuditLogMessagesForPlan(Plan plan, long startDate, long endDate)
          Provide a list of all audit log messages written against a plan between input dates.
 java.util.List<AuditLogEntry> getGlobalAuditLogMessages()
          Provide a list of all audit log messages written against the system.
 boolean isEnabled()
          Returns whether loggings is enabled
 void log(AuditLogEntry msg)
          Add a log to the audit log.
 void log(java.util.Collection<AuditLogService.FieldChange> changes, PlanKey plan)
          Add 'field change' messages to the system audit log.
 void log(java.lang.String msg)
          Add a message to the system audit log.
 void log(java.lang.String msg, PlanKey planKey)
          Add a message to the plans audit log.
 void log(java.lang.String msg, PlanKey planKey, AuditLogEntity entity)
          Add a message to the plans audit log.
 void log(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String msg, PlanKey planKey)
 void log(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String msg, PlanKey planKey, AuditLogEntity entity)
 void log(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String oldValue, java.lang.String newValue, PlanKey plan)
          Add 'field change' message to the system audit log.
 void log(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String oldValue, java.lang.String newValue, PlanKey planKey, AuditLogEntity entity)
          Add 'field change' message to the system audit log.
 void log(com.atlassian.user.User user, java.lang.String msg)
          Add a message to the system audit log.
 void log(com.atlassian.user.User user, java.lang.String msg, PlanKey planKey)
          Add a message to the plans audit log.
 void log(com.atlassian.user.User user, java.lang.String msg, PlanKey planKey, AuditLogEntity entity)
          Add a message to the plans audit log.
 void removeAllAuditLogMessages()
          Deletes all log messages in the database
 void removeAuditLogMessagesForPlan(Plan plan)
          Deletes all log messages for a given plan
 void removeGlobalAuditLogMessages()
          Deletes all Global Audit Log messages
 void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
          sets whether logging is enabled or not
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultAuditLogService(AuditLogDao auditLogDao,
                              BambooAuthenticationContext authenticationContext,
                              AdministrationConfigurationManager administrationConfigurationManager)
Method Detail


public void log(@NotNull
                AuditLogEntry msg)
Description copied from interface: AuditLogService
Add a log to the audit log.

Specified by:
log in interface AuditLogService
msg - (fully populated) to be logged


public void log(@NotNull
                java.lang.String msg)
Description copied from interface: AuditLogService
Add a message to the system audit log. Message will be logged against the user that is currently set in the authentication context.

Specified by:
log in interface AuditLogService
msg - the text of the message to add.


public void log(@Nullable
                com.atlassian.user.User user,
                java.lang.String msg)
Description copied from interface: AuditLogService
Add a message to the system audit log. Message will be logged against the current logged in user (if available)

Specified by:
log in interface AuditLogService
user - who caused the event being logged
msg - the text of the message to add.


public void log(@NotNull
                java.lang.String msg,
                PlanKey planKey)
Description copied from interface: AuditLogService
Add a message to the plans audit log. Message will be logged against the current logged in user (if available)

Specified by:
log in interface AuditLogService
msg - to log
planKey - to log it against


public void log(@NotNull
                java.lang.String msg,
                PlanKey planKey,
                AuditLogEntity entity)
Description copied from interface: AuditLogService
Add a message to the plans audit log. Message will be logged against the current logged in user (if available)

Specified by:
log in interface AuditLogService
entity - job's task, chain' stage etc. to log against


public void log(@Nullable
                com.atlassian.user.User user,
                java.lang.String msg,
                PlanKey planKey)
Description copied from interface: AuditLogService
Add a message to the plans audit log. Message will be logged against provided user

Specified by:
log in interface AuditLogService
user - who caused the event being logged
msg - to be logged
planKey - to log the message against.


public void log(@Nullable
                com.atlassian.user.User user,
                java.lang.String msg,
                PlanKey planKey,
                AuditLogEntity entity)
Description copied from interface: AuditLogService
Add a message to the plans audit log. Message will be logged against provided user

Specified by:
log in interface AuditLogService
user - who caused the event being logged
msg - to be logged
entity - header of job's task, chain' stage etc. to log against


public void log(@Nullable
                java.lang.String username,
                java.lang.String msg,
                PlanKey planKey)


public void log(@Nullable
                java.lang.String username,
                java.lang.String msg,
                PlanKey planKey,
                AuditLogEntity entity)


public java.util.List<AuditLogEntry> getAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull
                                                                Plan plan)
Description copied from interface: AuditLogService
Provide a list of all audit log messages written against a plan.

Specified by:
getAuditLogMessagesForPlan in interface AuditLogService
plan - to find audit messages for
List of audit log entries for the given plan


public java.util.List<AuditLogEntry> getAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull
                                                                Plan plan,
                                                                long startDate,
                                                                long endDate)
Description copied from interface: AuditLogService
Provide a list of all audit log messages written against a plan between input dates.

Specified by:
getAuditLogMessagesForPlan in interface AuditLogService
plan - to find audit messages for
List of audit log entries for the given plan


public void removeAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull
                                          Plan plan)
Description copied from interface: AuditLogService
Deletes all log messages for a given plan

Specified by:
removeAuditLogMessagesForPlan in interface AuditLogService
plan - to delete messages for


public void removeGlobalAuditLogMessages()
Description copied from interface: AuditLogService
Deletes all Global Audit Log messages

Specified by:
removeGlobalAuditLogMessages in interface AuditLogService


public void removeAllAuditLogMessages()
Description copied from interface: AuditLogService
Deletes all log messages in the database

Specified by:
removeAllAuditLogMessages in interface AuditLogService


public java.util.List<AuditLogEntry> getGlobalAuditLogMessages()
Description copied from interface: AuditLogService
Provide a list of all audit log messages written against the system.

Specified by:
getGlobalAuditLogMessages in interface AuditLogService
a list of audit log entries for the system


public void log(@NotNull
                java.util.Collection<AuditLogService.FieldChange> changes,
                PlanKey plan)
Description copied from interface: AuditLogService
Add 'field change' messages to the system audit log. The messages will be logged against the user that is currently set in the authentication context. If plan key is not null the message will be logged against the given plan.

Specified by:
log in interface AuditLogService


public void log(@NotNull
                java.lang.String fieldName,
                java.lang.String oldValue,
                java.lang.String newValue,
                PlanKey plan)
Description copied from interface: AuditLogService
Add 'field change' message to the system audit log. The messages will be logged against the user that is currently set in the authentication context. If plan key is not null the message will be logged against the given plan.

Specified by:
log in interface AuditLogService


public void log(@NotNull
                java.lang.String fieldName,
                java.lang.String oldValue,
                java.lang.String newValue,
                PlanKey planKey,
                AuditLogEntity entity)
Description copied from interface: AuditLogService
Add 'field change' message to the system audit log. The messages will be logged against the user that is currently set in the authentication context. If plan key is not null the message will be logged against the given plan.

Specified by:
log in interface AuditLogService
entity - job's task or chain's stage affected by the change


public boolean isEnabled()
Description copied from interface: AuditLogService
Returns whether loggings is enabled

Specified by:
isEnabled in interface AuditLogService


public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
Description copied from interface: AuditLogService
sets whether logging is enabled or not

Specified by:
setEnabled in interface AuditLogService

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