Package com.atlassian.bamboo.setup

Interface Summary
BootstrapManager A Bamboo specialisation of the generic AtlassianBootstrapManager.
HomeDirectoryLayout Facade for SystemDirectory for the plugin system (No BootstrapManager on agents)

Class Summary
AddFailoverParamsClientBrokerUrlUpgradeTask Upgrade task to add maxReconnectAttempts and initialReconnectDelay failover parameters to the broker client URI
BambooApplicationConfig A ApplicationConfiguration implemntation that replaces ${bambooHome} variables in getProperty and getPropertiesWithPrefix
BootstrapLoaderListener Represents basic added dependencies for the initialization of the web-app context for Bamboo.
DbmsSpecificUtils This class holds utility methods used when DBMS has to be accessed without Hibernate.
DefaultBootstrapManager BootstrapManager is responsible for initializing the dependencies of Bamboo environment.
ResetBrokerUrlUpgradeTask Upgrade task to remove the wireFormat.maxInactivityDuration from the broker URI
XWorkConfigurationInitialiser This initialises the XWork configuration to use the Bamboo PluginAwareConfiguration, so that plugins 2 plugin classes and dependencies will be loaded from their OSGi container.

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