Package com.atlassian.bamboo.utils

Class Summary
BambooTestUtils This class provides a collection of utility methods for use in the unit tests
DefaultVelocityEngine This class provides a common place for configuring Velocity's nasty singleton controller.
DurationUtils This class provide some Time formatting methods.
EscapeChars This class provides various character escaping utility methods,
FileCopier This class provides common file copying code
FileVisitor This class uses patterns to identify determine which files should be visited.
IpAddressValidator A class for checking to see if a String is a valid IP Address.
JavaVirtualMachineDetector Based on comment from Vincent Massol on the forums:
Random This class generates random stuff!
RandomGUID This class generates Global Unique Ids (GUIDS).
SystemProperty This class represents system properties as constants.
Timer This allows graceful timeouts to time consuming tasks (such as sending emails).

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