Package com.atlassian.bamboo.repository

Interface Summary
InitialBuildAwareRepository Allows the Repository to perform custom actions
MutableQuietPeriodAwareRepository An extension of the QuietPeriodAwareRepository that allows you to set the values as well as read them
QuietPeriodAwareRepository Repositories that implement this method will continue to collect changes for every QuietPeriodAwareRepository.getQuietPeriod() up to QuietPeriodAwareRepository.getMaxRetries() times.
Repository Basic contract for interfacing with various version control repository systems.
RepositoryManager Interface to handle interactions with Repository objects
WebRepositoryViewer This interface is the start of a repository viewer api.

Class Summary
AbstractRepository This class provides common repository implementation code,
ChangeLogEntry This class is a POJO containing information about the latest repository changes
ChangeLogFile This class provides information about change log file revisions.
NameValuePair This class containd a name value pair, such as Repository specific change detection mechanism.
QuietPeriodHelper Allows you to easily add commit quite time to your repository
ViewCvsFileLinkGenerator This class provides generates the viewcvs url for a given file

Exception Summary
RepositoryException This class types repository errors.

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