Interface VcsRepositoryConfigurationComparator

All Known Implementing Classes:

@Internal public interface VcsRepositoryConfigurationComparator
Compares repository configurations in different contexts.
  • Method Details

    • isTheSameVcsLocation

      boolean isTheSameVcsLocation(VcsRepositoryModuleDescriptor moduleDescriptor, VariableSubstitutor variableSubstitutor, @NotNull @NotNull VcsRepositoryData first, @NotNull @NotNull VcsRepositoryData second)
      Compares 2 repository locations in context of a single variable set. It should return true if server location is the same. Branch can be different.
      moduleDescriptor - plugin module of the first repository
      variableSubstitutor - current variable substitutor
      first - first repository to compare
      second - second repository to compare
    • isTheSameBranch

      boolean isTheSameBranch(VcsRepositoryModuleDescriptor moduleDescriptor, VariableSubstitutor variableSubstitutor, @NotNull @NotNull VcsRepositoryData first, @NotNull @NotNull VcsRepositoryData second)
      Compares 2 branches in of a single variable set. It should return true if server location and branch are the same.
      moduleDescriptor - plugin module of the first repository
      variableSubstitutor - current variable substitutor
      first - first repository to compare
      second - second repository to compare