Interface ImmutablePlanCacheService.CacheInvalidator

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractByPredicateCacheInvalidator, BranchMetadataInvalidator, BuildDefinitionInvalidator
Enclosing interface:

@Internal public static interface ImmutablePlanCacheService.CacheInvalidator
  • Method Details

    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
    • getChainsToInvalidateAndReindex

      void getChainsToInvalidateAndReindex(@NotNull @NotNull ImmutablePlanCacheService immutablePlanCacheService, @NotNull @NotNull<PlanKey,ImmutableChain> planKeyChainMap, @NotNull @NotNull PlanCacheIndices planCacheIndices, @NotNull @NotNull Set<PlanKey> chainsToInvalidate, @NotNull @NotNull Set<PlanKey> chainsToReindex)
      Guidelines: if the entity for which invalidation is triggered is not in index, only invalidate. If it is in index and you're deleting it, invalidate and reindex. If it is in the index and you're updating it, only reindex.