Interface ImmutableArtifactSubscription

All Superinterfaces:
BambooIdProvider, NameProvider
All Known Subinterfaces:
ArtifactSubscription, ArtifactSubscriptionSubstitutionAware
All Known Implementing Classes:
ArtifactSubscriptionImpl, ArtifactSubscriptionSubstitutionAwareImpl, ImmutableArtifactSubscriptionImpl

public interface ImmutableArtifactSubscription extends BambooIdProvider, NameProvider
  • Method Details

    • getName

      @NotNull @NotNull String getName()
      Specified by:
      getName in interface NameProvider
    • getArtifactDefinition

      @NotNull @NotNull ImmutableArtifactDefinition getArtifactDefinition()
      Get definition of artifact we're subscribed to.
      ArtifactDefinition object
    • getConsumerJob

      @NotNull @NotNull ImmutableJob getConsumerJob()
      Get job which consumes the artifact
      Job object
    • getDestinationDirectory

      @Nullable @Nullable String getDestinationDirectory()
      Get destination path. This represents a location where consumer job expects to find an artifact.
      Path to the expected location of artifact