Interface InternalEnvironmentService

All Known Implementing Classes:

@Internal @ExperimentalApi public interface InternalEnvironmentService
Service to fetch InternalEnvironment objects. Unlike EnvironmentService, this service prioritises fetch performance over data completeness, which might require special care on the part of the caller due to lazy loading happening on certain calls. (for instance: InternalEnvironment.getRequirementSet()
  • Method Details

    • getAllEnvironmentsNoUserContext

      @NotNull @NotNull List<InternalEnvironment> getAllEnvironmentsNoUserContext(int firstResult, int maxResults)
      Retrieve all Environment defined in the system without filling in operations permitted for the user.
    • getEnvironmentsForDeploymentProject

      @NotNull @NotNull List<EnvironmentStub> getEnvironmentsForDeploymentProject(long deploymentProjectId)
      Get all environments for a particular deployment project. Does not validate deployment project actually exists. Operations are lazily initialised.
      deploymentProjectId - of the deployment project to get environments for
      List of environments for a single deployment project. Sorted by position, name.
    • getEnvironmentsForDeploymentProject

      @NotNull @NotNull List<EnvironmentStub> getEnvironmentsForDeploymentProject(long deploymentProjectId, boolean greedyOperations)
      Get all environments for a particular deployment project. Does not validate deployment project actually exists.
      deploymentProjectId - of the deployment project to get environments for
      greedyOperations - if true, the returned objects will have their 'operations' field initialised, lazy suppliers otherwise
      List of environments for a single deployment project. Sorted by position, name.
    • getAvailableOperations

      @NotNull @NotNull Operations getAvailableOperations(@NotNull @NotNull InternalEnvironment environmentStub)
    • getAvailableOperations

      @NotNull @NotNull Operations getAvailableOperations(@NotNull @NotNull InternalEnvironment environmentStub, boolean assumeCanRead)