Interface DeploymentVersionVcsChangesetService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DeploymentVersionVcsChangesetService
Service that provides commit data for DeploymentVersion
  • Method Details

    • getChangesetsForDeploymentVersion

      @NotNull @NotNull List<DeploymentVersionVcsChangeset> getChangesetsForDeploymentVersion(@NotNull @NotNull DeploymentVersion deploymentVersion)
      deploymentVersion - a version
    • getCommitCountForDeploymentVersion

      int getCommitCountForDeploymentVersion(@NotNull @NotNull DeploymentVersion deploymentVersion)
      count of all commits in all changesets associated with a DeploymentVersion
      deploymentVersion - a version
    • compareVersionsByChangesets

      @NotNull @NotNull DeploymentVersionCommitsComparisonResult compareVersionsByChangesets(long deploymentProjectId, @NotNull @NotNull DeploymentVersion version1, @NotNull @NotNull DeploymentVersion version2, int maxCommits)
      Find all DeploymentVersionVcsChangeset that happened after creation of older version until (and including) the creation of newer version.
      deploymentProjectId -
      version1 - 1st version to compare (can be either older or newer than version2)
      version2 - 2nd version to compare (can be either older or newer than version1)
      maxCommits - maximum number of commits fetched with full information
      IllegalStateException - if versions are not comparable (e.g. come from different branch)
    • getLastNCommitsForVersion

      @NotNull @NotNull DeploymentVersionCommitsComparisonResult getLastNCommitsForVersion(long deploymentProjectId, DeploymentVersion deploymentVersion, int maxCommits)
      Find changesets for the version and fetch n last commits.
      deploymentProjectId -
      deploymentVersion -
      maxCommits -
    • getChangesetsForNewDeploymentVersion

      @NotNull @NotNull DeploymentVersionCommitsComparisonResult getChangesetsForNewDeploymentVersion(long deploymentProjectId, PlanResultKey planResultKey, int maxCommits)
      Finds the changesets if a new version would be created from planResultKey. Doesn't save anything to db,
      deploymentProjectId - id of the deployment project
      planResultKey - of the build result we want to create version from
      maxCommits -
    • getChangesetsForNewDeploymentVersion

      @NotNull @NotNull DeploymentVersionCommitsComparisonResult getChangesetsForNewDeploymentVersion(long deploymentProjectId, PlanResultKey planResultKey, int maxCommits, @NotNull @NotNull DeploymentVersion version)
      Same as above, but finds changesets between a certain version and the new version to be created from the planResultKey.
      deploymentProjectId - id of the deployment project
      planResultKey - of the build result we want to create version from
      maxCommits - max number of commits to fetch
      version - DeploymentVersion that we want to compare the planResultKey to in order to get the changesets