Interface TemplateRenderer

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TemplateRenderer
Interface to render a template into the output
  • Method Details

    • render

      @Nullable @Nullable String render(@Nullable @Nullable String templatePath, Map<String,Object> contextParams)
    • renderWithoutActionContext

      @NotNull @NotNull String renderWithoutActionContext(@Nullable @Nullable String templatePath, @NotNull @NotNull Map<String,Object> contextParams)
    • renderText

      @NotNull @NotNull String renderText(@NotNull @NotNull String text, @Nullable @Nullable Map<String,Object> contextParams)
    • render

      void render(@Nullable @Nullable String templatePath, @Nullable @Nullable Map<String,Object> contextParams, @NotNull @NotNull Writer writer) throws IOException
      Render the given template to the given writer
      templatePath - The path of the template
      contextParams - The template context params
      writer - The writer to write to
      IOException - If an error occurred while writing to the writer