Interface Project

All Superinterfaces:
BambooIdProvider, BambooObject, BambooObjectWithOid, Deletable, Describable, DescriptionProvider, EntityWithOid, ImmutableDeletable, ImmutableEntityWithOid, NameProvider, ProjectIdentifier
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Project extends BambooObjectWithOid, Deletable, Describable, ProjectIdentifier
Represents a Bamboo project object. Projects are top level entities and can have multiple Plans. A project can also have a default BuildDefinition that Plans extend.
  • Method Details

    • setName

      void setName(@NotNull @NotNull String name)
      Specified by:
      setName in interface Describable
    • setKey

      void setKey(@NotNull @NotNull String key)
      Sets the key for the project. Must not be null
      key -
    • getCurrentStatus

      @Deprecated String getCurrentStatus()
      since 8.2
      Returns the string representation the current status of a build. Mirrors ImmutablePlan.getCurrentStatus(). It will return "current" if any plan is building, and "fail" if any plan is failing.
      a String
    • getLabellings

      List<Labelling> getLabellings()
    • setLabellings

      void setLabellings(List<Labelling> labellings)
    • getRelatedLabellings

      List<Labelling> getRelatedLabellings()
    • getVcsBambooSpecsSource

      @Nullable @Nullable VcsBambooSpecsSource getVcsBambooSpecsSource()
      specs source used to manage a project or null if the project is not managed by RSS
    • setVcsBambooSpecsSource

      void setVcsBambooSpecsSource(VcsBambooSpecsSource vcsBambooSpecsSource)
      Sets the specs source for the project.
      vcsBambooSpecsSource - specs source
    • getEntityType

      default BambooEntityType getEntityType()
      Description copied from interface: ImmutableEntityWithOid
      Entity type of this object, used in BambooEntityOid.
      Specified by:
      getEntityType in interface ImmutableEntityWithOid