Interface PlanConfigurationUiPlugin

All Superinterfaces:
BambooPluginModule, BuildConfigurationAwarePlugin, InitablePluginModule, RenderableBuildConfiguration
All Known Subinterfaces:
DependenciesPlanConfigurationPlugin, MiscellaneousPlanConfigurationPlugin
All Known Implementing Classes:
ArtifactHandlerForPlanConfigurator, AutomaticDependencyManagementPlugin, BuildExpiryPerPlanPlugin, ConcurrentBuildsPlanConfigurationPlugin, HungBuildPlanConfigurationPlugin, SkipTestHistoryConfigurationItem

public interface PlanConfigurationUiPlugin extends BuildConfigurationAwarePlugin
This is not intended to be used directly. One of the specialized marker interfaces should be used directly.
  • Method Details

    • isApplicableTo

      boolean isApplicableTo(@NotNull @NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
      Checks if the plugin is applicable to a plan. Typical implementation is to check plan's type (chain, build, job).
      plan - Plan to be verified
      true if particular configuration is applicable to input plan