Class DefaultChain

All Implemented Interfaces:
Chain, BambooIdProvider, BambooObject, BambooObjectWithOid, EntityWithOid, ImmutableEntityWithOid, Deletable, Describable, ImmutableChain, ImmutableDeletable, ImmutablePlan, ImmutableTopLevelPlan, Plan, PlanIdentifier, PlanKeyProvider, TopLevelPlan, Triggerable, DescriptionProvider, NameProvider, Versionable, Cloneable, Comparable<Plan>

@Entity public class DefaultChain extends AbstractChain implements TopLevelPlan, Chain
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultChain

      public DefaultChain()
  • Method Details

    • getPlanType

      @NotNull public @NotNull PlanType getPlanType()
      Specified by:
      getPlanType in interface PlanIdentifier
      the type of this plan
    • setMaster

      public void setMaster(Plan master)
      Description copied from interface: Plan
      Set which plan is the master of this plan. The master is the plan which this one is derived from. Configuration is pulled from the master if one exists.
      Specified by:
      setMaster in interface Plan