Class BambooDateUtils


public class BambooDateUtils extends Object
  • Method Details

    • isWithinDays

      public static boolean isWithinDays(Date earlierDate, Date laterDate, long days)
      Returns whether the laterDate is not later than the number of "days" since the last earlierDate
      earlierDate - - must not be null
      laterDate - - must not be null
      days - - must be a positive integer
      true if within the number days specified
    • isWithinMillis

      public static boolean isWithinMillis(@Nullable @Nullable Date date1, @Nullable @Nullable Date date2, long millis)
      Returns true if the two given dates are within the given number of millis. If either of the passed dates is null then it returns false;
      date1 - - must not be null
      date2 - - must not be null
      millis - - must be a positive long
      true if dates are within the given number millis
    • toSimpleTimestamp

      public static String toSimpleTimestamp(@NotNull @NotNull Date date)
    • dateToPortableString

      public static String dateToPortableString(@NotNull @NotNull Date date)
    • dateToPortableString

      public static String dateToPortableString(@NotNull @NotNull Date date, @NotNull @NotNull TimeZone timeZone)
    • portableDateStringToDate

      public static Date portableDateStringToDate(@NotNull @NotNull String dateString) throws ParseException
    • getMinutesDistanceToNow

      public static long getMinutesDistanceToNow(@NotNull @NotNull Date dateToCompare)
    • getSecondsDistanceToNow

      public static long getSecondsDistanceToNow(@NotNull @NotNull Date dateToCompare)
    • getMillisDistanceToNow

      public static long getMillisDistanceToNow(@NotNull @NotNull Date dateToCompare)
    • getDurationToNow

      public static Duration getDurationToNow(@NotNull @NotNull Date dateToCompare)
    • toIsoTimestampString

      @NotNull public static @NotNull String toIsoTimestampString(@NotNull @NotNull Date date)
    • fromIsoTimestampString

      @NotNull public static @NotNull Date fromIsoTimestampString(@NotNull @NotNull String dateString)
    • makeReasonableDate

      public static Date makeReasonableDate(@NotNull @NotNull Date date)
      Caps dates predating The Epoch to Epoch.