Interface AuditLogService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AuditLogService
Service allowing you to register audit messages against the system or against plans. Audit messages allow you to track changes to configuration.
  • Method Details

    • log

      void log(@NotNull @NotNull AuditLogEntry msg)
      Add a log to the audit log.
      msg - (fully populated) to be logged
    • log

      void log(@NotNull @NotNull String msg)
      Add a message to the system audit log. Message will be logged against the user that is currently set in the authentication context.
      msg - the text of the message to add.
    • log

      void log(@NotNull @NotNull Collection<AuditLogService.FieldChange> changes, @Nullable @Nullable Key key)
      Add 'field change' messages to the system audit log. The messages will be logged against the user that is currently set in the authentication context. If key is not null the message will be logged against the given entity.
    • log

      void log(@NotNull @NotNull Iterable<AuditLogService.FieldChange> changes, @Nullable @Nullable String entityId, AuditLogEntityType entityType, @Nullable @Nullable String childKey, @Nullable @Nullable AuditLogEntity entity)
    • log

      void log(@NotNull @NotNull Iterable<AuditLogService.FieldChange> changes, @Nullable @Nullable AuditLogEntity entity)
      Add 'field change' messages to the system audit log. The messages will be logged against the user that is currently set in the authentication context. The message will be logged with the given entity type.
    • log

      void log(@NotNull @NotNull String fieldName, @Nullable @Nullable String oldValue, @Nullable @Nullable String newValue, @Nullable @Nullable Key plan)
      Add 'field change' message to the system audit log. The messages will be logged against the user that is currently set in the authentication context. If plan key is not null the message will be logged against the given plan.
    • log

      @Deprecated default void log(@NotNull @NotNull String fieldName, @Nullable @Nullable String oldValue, @Nullable @Nullable String newValue, @Nullable @Nullable Key planKey, @Nullable @Nullable AuditLogEntity entity)
      since 6.7
      Add 'field change' message to the system audit log. The messages will be logged against the user that is currently set in the authentication context. If plan key is not null the message will be logged against the given plan.
      entity - job's task or chain's stage affected by the change
    • log

      void log(@NotNull @NotNull String fieldName, @Nullable @Nullable String oldValue, @Nullable @Nullable String newValue, @Nullable @Nullable Key key, AuditLogEntityType entityType, @Nullable @Nullable AuditLogEntity entity)
      Add 'field change' message to the system audit log. The messages will be logged against the user that is currently set in the authentication context. If plan key is not null the message will be logged against the given plan.
      entity - job's task or chain's stage affected by the change
    • log

      void log(@Nullable @Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user, @NotNull @NotNull String msg)
      Add a message to the system audit log. Message will be logged against the current logged in user (if available)
      user - who caused the event being logged
      msg - the text of the message to add.
    • log

      @Deprecated default void log(@NotNull @NotNull String msg, @Nullable @Nullable Key plan)
      since 6.7
      Add a message to the plans audit log. Message will be logged against the current logged in user (if available)
      msg - to log
      plan - to log it against
    • log

      void log(@NotNull @NotNull String msg, @Nullable @Nullable Key key, AuditLogEntityType entityType)
      Add a message to the plans audit log. Message will be logged against the current logged in user (if available)
      msg - to log
      key - to log it against
    • log

      @Deprecated default void log(@NotNull @NotNull String s, @Nullable @Nullable Key planKey, @Nullable @Nullable AuditLogEntity entity)
      since 6.7
      Add a message to the plans audit log. Message will be logged against the current logged in user (if available)
      s - to log
      planKey - to log it against
      entity - job's task, chain' stage etc. to log against
    • log

      void log(@NotNull @NotNull String s, @Nullable @Nullable Key key, @Nullable @Nullable AuditLogEntityType entityType, @Nullable @Nullable AuditLogEntity entity)
      Add a message to the entity's audit log. Message will be logged against the current logged in user (if available)
      s - to log
      key - to log it against
      entity - job's task, chain' stage etc. to log against
    • log

      @Deprecated default void log(@Nullable @Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user, @NotNull @NotNull String msg, @Nullable @Nullable Key plan)
      since 6.7
      Add a message to the plan's audit log. Message will be logged against provided user
      user - who caused the event being logged
      msg - to be logged
      plan - to log the message against.
    • log

      void log(@Nullable @Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user, @NotNull @NotNull String msg, @Nullable @Nullable Key key, @Nullable @Nullable AuditLogEntityType entityType)
      Add a message to the entity's audit log. Message will be logged against provided user
      user - who caused the event being logged
      msg - to be logged
      key - to log the message against.
    • log

      @Deprecated default void log(@Nullable @Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user, @NotNull @NotNull String msg, @Nullable @Nullable Key planKey, @Nullable @Nullable AuditLogEntity entity)
      since 6.7
      Add a message to the plans audit log. Message will be logged against provided user
      user - who caused the event being logged
      msg - to be logged
      planKey - to log the message against.
      entity - header of job's task, chain' stage etc. to log against
    • log

      void log(@Nullable @Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user, @NotNull @NotNull String msg, @Nullable @Nullable Key key, @Nullable @Nullable AuditLogEntityType entityType, @Nullable @Nullable AuditLogEntity entity)
      Add a message to the plans audit log. Message will be logged against provided user
      user - who caused the event being logged
      msg - to be logged
      key - to log the message against.
      entity - header of job's task, chain' stage etc. to log against
    • getAuditLogMessagesForPlan

      List<AuditLogEntry> getAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull @NotNull ImmutablePlan plan, long startDate, long endDate, int firstResult, int maxResults)
      Provide a paginated list of all audit log messages written against a plan between input dates.
      plan - to find audit messages for
      startDate - if specified, messages before this date will be excluded. Represented as milliseconds after January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. Passing 0 or a negative number will not set a start range.
      endDate - if specified, messages after this date will be excluded. Represented as milliseconds after January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. Passing 0 or a negative number will not set an end range.
      firstResult - if specified marks a first item to be returned, passing 0 or negative number will effect with returning elements from the beginning
      maxResults - if specified marks a total number of items to be returned, passing 0 or negative number will effect with returning all elements until the end
      List of audit log entries for the given plan
    • getAuditLogMessagesForPlan

      @ExperimentalApi List<AuditLogEntry> getAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull @NotNull ImmutablePlan plan, long startDate, long endDate, int firstResult, int maxResults, @Nullable @Nullable String searchTerm)
      Provide a paginated list of all audit log messages written against a plan between input dates and requested search term.
      plan - to find audit messages for
      startDate - if specified, messages before this date will be excluded. Represented as milliseconds after January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. Passing 0 or a negative number will not set a start range.
      endDate - if specified, messages after this date will be excluded. Represented as milliseconds after January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. Passing 0 or a negative number will not set an end range.
      firstResult - if specified marks a first item to be returned, passing 0 or negative number will effect with returning elements from the beginning
      maxResults - if specified marks a total number of items to be returned, passing 0 or negative number will effect with returning all elements until the end
      searchTerm - value against which the results are filtered out
      List of audit log entries for the given plan
    • getAgentAuditLogsMessagesByAgentName

      List<AuditLogEntry> getAgentAuditLogsMessagesByAgentName(String agentName)
      Provide a list of audit log messages filter by Agent Name
      agentName - the name of the agent
      List of audit log entries for the given Agent Name
    • getAgentAuditLogsMessagesByAgentName

      @ExperimentalApi List<AuditLogEntry> getAgentAuditLogsMessagesByAgentName(String agentName, @Nullable @Nullable String searchTerm)
      Provide a list of audit log messages filter by Agent Name and the Search Term.
      agentName - the name of the agent
      searchTerm - the value searched in the Agent related audit log
      List of audit log entries for the given Agent Name and Search Term.
    • getGlobalAuditLogMessages

      @Deprecated List<AuditLogEntry> getGlobalAuditLogMessages()
      since 7.0 use paginated version instead getGlobalAuditLogMessages(int, int)
      Provide a list of all audit log messages written against the system.
      a list of audit log entries for the system
    • getGlobalAuditLogMessages

      List<AuditLogEntry> getGlobalAuditLogMessages(int firstResult, int maxResults)
      Provide a page of a list of all audit log messages written against the system.
      a list of audit log entries for the system
    • getGlobalAuditLogMessages

      @ExperimentalApi List<AuditLogEntry> getGlobalAuditLogMessages(int firstResult, int maxResults, @Nullable @Nullable String searchTerm)
      Provide a page of a list of all audit log messages written against the system filtered by delivered searchTerm.
      firstResult -
      maxResults -
      searchTerm - the phrase against which the search will be made
      a list of audit log entries for the system
    • countGlobalAuditLogMessages

      long countGlobalAuditLogMessages()
      Count global audit log messages.
      number of potential results
    • countGlobalAuditLogMessages

      @ExperimentalApi long countGlobalAuditLogMessages(@Nullable @Nullable String searchTerm)
      Count global audit log messages.
      searchTerm - the phrase against which the results will be counted
      number of potential results
    • countAuditLogMessagesForPlan

      long countAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull @NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
      Count audit log messages for plan
    • countAuditLogMessagesForPlan

      long countAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull @NotNull ImmutablePlan plan, long startDate, long endDate)
      Count audit log messages for plan in a given time period
    • countAuditLogMessagesForPlan

      @ExperimentalApi long countAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull @NotNull ImmutablePlan plan, long startDate, long endDate, @Nullable @Nullable String searchTerm)
      Count audit log messages for plan in a given time period and with the requested searchTerm
    • countAuditLogMessagesForEntity

      long countAuditLogMessagesForEntity(@NotNull @NotNull String entityId, @Nullable @Nullable AuditLogEntityType entityType, long startDate, long endDate)
      Count audit log messages for entity in a given time period
    • countAuditLogMessagesForEntity

      @ExperimentalApi long countAuditLogMessagesForEntity(@NotNull @NotNull String entityId, @Nullable @Nullable AuditLogEntityType entityType, long startDate, long endDate, @Nullable @Nullable String searchTerm)
      Count audit log messages for entity in a given time period and with the requested searchTerm
    • removeGlobalAuditLogMessages

      void removeGlobalAuditLogMessages()
      Deletes all Global audit log messages
    • hasAuditLogMessagesForPlan

      boolean hasAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull @NotNull ImmutablePlan plan, long startDate, long endDate)
      Determine whether any log messages have been recorded against the specified plan between the startDate and endDate (inclusive). This is equivalent to but usually faster than checking the emptiness of getAuditLogMessagesForPlan(ImmutablePlan, long, long, int, int).
      startDate - if specified, messages before this date will be excluded. Represented as milliseconds after January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. Passing 0 or a negative number will not set a start range.
      endDate - if specified, messages after this date will be excluded. Represented as milliseconds after January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. Passing 0 or a negative number will not set an end range.
    • removeAuditLogMessagesForPlan

      void removeAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull @NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
      Deletes all log messages for a given plan
      plan - to delete messages for
    • removeAuditLogMessagesByTypeAndEntityId

      void removeAuditLogMessagesByTypeAndEntityId(@NotNull @NotNull String entityId, @Nullable @Nullable AuditLogEntityType entityType)
    • removeAllAuditLogMessages

      void removeAllAuditLogMessages()
      Deletes all log messages in the database
    • isEnabled

      boolean isEnabled()
      Returns whether logging is enabled
    • setEnabled

      void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
      sets whether logging is enabled or not
    • getAuditLogMessagesForEntity

      @ExperimentalApi List<AuditLogEntry> getAuditLogMessagesForEntity(@NotNull @NotNull String entityId, @Nullable @Nullable AuditLogEntityType entityType, long startDate, long endDate, int firstResult, int maxResults, @Nullable @Nullable String searchTerm)
      Provide a paginated list of all audit log messages written against an entity between input dates and requested search term.
      entityId - to find audit messages for
      entityType - type of entity associated with the entityId
      startDate - if specified, messages before this date will be excluded. Represented as milliseconds after January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. Passing 0 or a negative number will not set a start range.
      endDate - if specified, messages after this date will be excluded. Represented as milliseconds after January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. Passing 0 or a negative number will not set an end range.
      firstResult - if specified marks a first item to be returned, passing 0 or negative number will effect with returning elements from the beginning
      maxResults - if specified marks a total number of items to be returned, passing 0 or negative number will effect with returning all elements until the end
      searchTerm - value against which the results are filtered out
      List of audit log entries for the given entity
    • getAuditLogMessagesForEntity

      List<AuditLogEntry> getAuditLogMessagesForEntity(@NotNull @NotNull String entityId, @Nullable @Nullable AuditLogEntityType entityType, long startDate, long endDate, int firstResult, int maxResults)
      Provide a paginated list of all audit log messages written against an entity between input dates.
      entityId - to find audit messages for
      entityType - type of entity associated with the entityId
      startDate - if specified, messages before this date will be excluded. Represented as milliseconds after January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. Passing 0 or a negative number will not set a start range.
      endDate - if specified, messages after this date will be excluded. Represented as milliseconds after January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. Passing 0 or a negative number will not set an end range.
      firstResult - if specified marks a first item to be returned, passing 0 or negative number will effect with returning elements from the beginning
      maxResults - if specified marks a total number of items to be returned, passing 0 or negative number will effect with returning all elements until the end
      List of audit log entries for the given entity
    • isRssUpdatedLog

      boolean isRssUpdatedLog()
      whether logging is for RSS update.
    • setRssUpdatedLog

      void setRssUpdatedLog(Boolean isRss)
      sets whether logging is for RSS update.