Class BuildCompletedNotification

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtendedNotification, Notification, Notification.HtmlImContentProvidingNotification

@NotThreadSafe public class BuildCompletedNotification extends AbstractCompletedNotification

This class is used to generate content for All Completed Builds Notifications, the Failed And First Successful Notifications and First Failed Job Notifications. If you wish to customise the default notifications, please see the online Bamboo documentation:

The notification templates are written in Freemarker markup. The object context below provides information about Bamboo builds that you can insert in the Freemarker markup of your notification templates.

Object Context:

  • buildSummary - ResultsSummary
  • buildResult - BuildResults
  • build - Plan
  • jiraIssues - List of LinkedJiraIssue containing details from JIRA server if available
  • triggerReasonDescription - String description of the trigger reason for this build (html for html emails, plain text for text emails)
  • shortErrorSummary - List of String containing a truncated version of the build's error summary