Interface SpecsConsumerFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

@ExperimentalApi public interface SpecsConsumerFactory
Factory for creating SpecsConsumer
  • Method Details

    • createDefaultSpecsConsumer

      SpecsConsumer createDefaultSpecsConsumer()
      Create Specs consumer used when Specs where run for global repository
    • createDivergentBranchSpecsCreationConsumer

      SpecsConsumer createDivergentBranchSpecsCreationConsumer(@NotNull @NotNull VcsBranch newBranch, @NotNull @NotNull PlanBranchWorkflow planBranchWorkflow, @NotNull @NotNull Multimap<ImmutableChain,PlanKey> chainsAndBranchKeys, @NotNull PlanCreationService.EnablePlan enablePlan)
      Create Specs consumer used for creating divergent branches
      newBranch - VCS branch for which plan branches should be created
      planBranchWorkflow - which workflow led to creation of this chain branches
      chainsAndBranchKeys - chains for which divergent branches should be created
      enablePlan - if branches should be enabled after creation
    • createDivergentBranchSpecsUpdateConsumer

      SpecsConsumer createDivergentBranchSpecsUpdateConsumer(@NotNull @NotNull VcsBranch branch, @NotNull @NotNull Multimap<ImmutableChain,PlanKey> chainsAndBranchKeys)
      Create Specs consumer used for updating divergent branches
      branch - VCS branch for which plan branches should be updated
      chainsAndBranchKeys - chains for which divergent branches should be updated