Class VcsWorkingCopy


public class VcsWorkingCopy extends Object
A state of a working copy. Plugin implementors can extend this object to add data specific to a repository type.
  • Constructor Details

    • VcsWorkingCopy

      @Deprecated public VcsWorkingCopy(long repositoryId, File path, String currentRevisionKey)
      since 5.8 as it doesn't set current branch and configured branch
    • VcsWorkingCopy

      public VcsWorkingCopy(long repositoryId, File path, String currentRevisionKey, VcsBranch currentBranch, boolean currentBranchChanged)
    • VcsWorkingCopy

      @Deprecated public VcsWorkingCopy(long repositoryId, File path, String currentRevisionKey, boolean hasNotCommittedChanges)
      since 5.8 as it doesn't set current branch
    • VcsWorkingCopy

      public VcsWorkingCopy(long repositoryId, File path, String currentRevisionKey, boolean hasNotCommittedChanges, VcsBranch currentBranch, boolean currentBranchChanged)
  • Method Details

    • getPath

      public File getPath()
    • getRepositoryId

      public long getRepositoryId()
    • getCurrentRevisionKey

      public String getCurrentRevisionKey()
    • getCurrentBranch

      @Nullable public @Nullable VcsBranch getCurrentBranch()
      Return branch the working copy is switched to. If null value is returned, the current branch is the same as in repository configuration. This method must not return empty value if isCurrentBranchChanged() return true.
    • isCurrentBranchChanged

      public boolean isCurrentBranchChanged()
    • hasNotCommittedChanges

      public boolean hasNotCommittedChanges()