Class ScheduledTriggerReason

All Implemented Interfaces:
TriggerReason, Serializable

public class ScheduledTriggerReason extends AbstractTriggerReason
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ScheduledTriggerReason

      public ScheduledTriggerReason()
  • Method Details

    • init

      public void init(String key, Map<String,String> fields)
      Description copied from interface: TriggerReason
      Initializes the TriggerReason using data from the Map
    • init

      public void init(String key, @NotNull @NotNull ResultsSummary resultsSummary)
      Description copied from interface: TriggerReason
      Initializes the TriggerReason using data from the ResultsSummary
    • updateCustomData

      public void updateCustomData(@NotNull @NotNull BambooCustomDataAware customDataAware)
      Description copied from interface: TriggerReason
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: TriggerReason
      Gives the trigger reason
      {String} - the trigger reason
    • getNameForSentence

      public String getNameForSentence()
      Description copied from interface: TriggerReason
      Gives the trigger reason in a format that can be used in a sentence eg. "was triggered at the scheduled time of 6:34 PM"
      {String} - the trigger reason, must be HTML escaped.
    • getScheduledDate

      public Date getScheduledDate()
    • getPlanResultKey

      @Nullable public @Nullable PlanResultKey getPlanResultKey()
    • getUserScheduledBy

      @Nullable public @Nullable String getUserScheduledBy()