Interface BambooAgentMessage

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
AuthenticableMessage, BambooAgentMessageBatch<T>, RemoteBambooMessage
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAddLogEntry, AbstractBambooAgentMessage, AbstractBuildExecutionUpdateManagerMessage, AbstractBuildLoggerMessage, AddBuildLogEntry, AddErrorLogEntry, AgentAnalyticsMessage, ArtifactAckMessage, BatchRemoteBambooMessage, CancelExecutionAgentMessage, CreateElasticError, CreateError, DeleteSpecifiedGitCacheDirectoriesOnAgentMessage, DeleteUnusedGitCacheDirectoriesOnAgentMessage, EphemeralRemovalRequestMessage, ErrorReplyMessage, ExecuteCommandMessage, LogMessageBatch, LogMessageStream, LogsAreWatchedAgentMessage, ManageHungBuildMessage, ProcessResult, ShellProcessLogMessage, StopAgentNicelyMessage, TimingPointMessage, UpdateHeartbeatMessage

@Internal public interface BambooAgentMessage extends Serializable

A message from a Bamboo agent to a Bamboo server.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    @Nullable Object
    Delivers the message to the appropriate object in the local virtual machine.
    default boolean
    Value of true indicates that the message send should be attempted even if the agent is in "heart attack" state.
  • Method Details

    • deliver

      @Nullable @Nullable Object deliver()
      Delivers the message to the appropriate object in the local virtual machine.
      an optional reply to message (including error-reporting messages)
    • shouldBeSentDuringHeartAttack

      default boolean shouldBeSentDuringHeartAttack()
      Value of true indicates that the message send should be attempted even if the agent is in "heart attack" state. "Heart attack" state means that heartbeat timeout has been exceeded, but the agent is still running with limited functionality in order to give itself a chance of finishing current build/deployment and returning its result should the communication be re-established.