Class BambooPreconditions


public class BambooPreconditions extends Object
  • Method Details

    • checkThat

      @Contract("false, _, _, _ -> fail") public static <T extends Exception> void checkThat(boolean condition, @NotNull @NotNull Function<String,T> exceptionSupplier, @NotNull @NotNull String errorMessage, @NotNull @NotNull Object... errorMessageArguments) throws T
      Check that a condition is met. If not, an exception will be thrown with the given error message.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of thrown exception
      condition - condition to check
      exceptionSupplier - a function which will be used to instantiate the exception using the given error message
      errorMessage - error message to pass to thrown exception
      errorMessageArguments - arguments used to format the error message (using String.format(String, Object...) method)
      T - if the condition is not met
    • checkThat

      @Contract("false, _, _ -> fail") public static <T extends Exception> void checkThat(boolean condition, @NotNull @NotNull Function<String,T> exceptionSupplier, @NotNull @NotNull Supplier<String> errorMessageSupplier) throws T
      Check that a condition is met. If not, an exception will be thrown with the given error message.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of thrown exception
      condition - condition to check
      exceptionSupplier - a function which will be used to instantiate the exception using the given error message
      errorMessageSupplier - a supplier that provides error message (can be used together with TextProviderUtils.getTextSupplier())
      T - if the condition is not met
    • checkThat

      @Contract("false, _ -> fail") public static <T extends Exception> void checkThat(boolean condition, @NotNull @NotNull Supplier<T> exceptionSupplier) throws T
      Check that a condition is met. If not, an exception will be thrown.

      If an exception with additional error message is preferred, use checkThat(boolean, Function, String, Object...).

      Type Parameters:
      T - type of thrown exception
      condition - condition to check
      exceptionSupplier - supplier for the exception to throw
      T - if the condition is not met