Class DefaultBambooUser

All Implemented Interfaces:
BambooUser, com.atlassian.user.Entity, com.atlassian.user.User, Serializable, Principal, org.acegisecurity.userdetails.UserDetails

public class DefaultBambooUser extends Object implements BambooUser
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String DEFAULT_USERS_GROUP
      See Also:

      public static final String DEFAULT_ADMIN_GROUP
      The name of the default admin group in Bamboo that's created on setup. This should NOT be used to check permissions, as the users can configure other groups to be admin, and using it will introduce security vulnerabilities. If a list of admin groups is needed, use BambooPermissionManager.getAdminGroups().
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultBambooUser

      @Deprecated public DefaultBambooUser(com.atlassian.user.User user)
      since 6.6.0. Use DefaultBambooUser(User, GrantedAuthority[])
    • DefaultBambooUser

      public DefaultBambooUser(@NotNull @NotNull com.atlassian.user.User user, @NotNull @NotNull Supplier<org.acegisecurity.GrantedAuthority[]> authoritiesSupplier)
    • DefaultBambooUser

      public DefaultBambooUser(@NotNull @NotNull com.atlassian.user.User user, @NotNull @NotNull Supplier<org.acegisecurity.GrantedAuthority[]> authoritiesSupplier, @Nullable @Nullable AccessToken accessToken)
  • Method Details

    • getJabberAddress

      @Nullable public @Nullable String getJabberAddress()
      Description copied from interface: BambooUser
      Returns the user's jabber address for IMs
      Specified by:
      getJabberAddress in interface BambooUser
      jabber address.
    • getNotificationPreference

      public String getNotificationPreference()
      Description copied from interface: BambooUser
      Returns the user's preferences for how they receive notifications
      Specified by:
      getNotificationPreference in interface BambooUser
      notification preference.
    • getNotificationTransportPreference

      public String getNotificationTransportPreference()
      Description copied from interface: BambooUser
      Returns the user's preference for the format of emails
      Specified by:
      getNotificationTransportPreference in interface BambooUser
      notification transport preference.
    • getUser

      public com.atlassian.user.User getUser()
      Description copied from interface: BambooUser
      Returns the user, which contains the user's details
      Specified by:
      getUser in interface BambooUser
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Specified by:
      getName in interface com.atlassian.user.Entity
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Principal
    • getFullName

      public String getFullName()
      Specified by:
      getFullName in interface com.atlassian.user.User
    • getEmail

      public String getEmail()
      Specified by:
      getEmail in interface com.atlassian.user.User
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Specified by:
      hashCode in interface Principal
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      Specified by:
      equals in interface Principal
      equals in class Object
    • getAuthorities

      @NotNull public @NotNull org.acegisecurity.GrantedAuthority[] getAuthorities()
      Specified by:
      getAuthorities in interface org.acegisecurity.userdetails.UserDetails
    • getPassword

      public String getPassword()
      Specified by:
      getPassword in interface org.acegisecurity.userdetails.UserDetails
    • getUsername

      public String getUsername()
      Specified by:
      getUsername in interface org.acegisecurity.userdetails.UserDetails
    • isAccountNonExpired

      public boolean isAccountNonExpired()
      Specified by:
      isAccountNonExpired in interface org.acegisecurity.userdetails.UserDetails
    • isAccountNonLocked

      public boolean isAccountNonLocked()
      Specified by:
      isAccountNonLocked in interface org.acegisecurity.userdetails.UserDetails
    • isCredentialsNonExpired

      public boolean isCredentialsNonExpired()
      Specified by:
      isCredentialsNonExpired in interface org.acegisecurity.userdetails.UserDetails
    • isEnabled

      public boolean isEnabled()
      Specified by:
      isEnabled in interface com.atlassian.user.User
      Specified by:
      isEnabled in interface org.acegisecurity.userdetails.UserDetails
    • getAccessToken

      @Nullable public @Nullable AccessToken getAccessToken()
      Description copied from interface: BambooUser
      If user has been authenticated by access token returns meta-data of token. Otherwise null.
      Specified by:
      getAccessToken in interface BambooUser
      access token
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Specified by:
      toString in interface Principal
      toString in class Object