Interface DatabaseUpgradePaginator

All Known Implementing Classes:

@NotThreadSafe public interface DatabaseUpgradePaginator
Utility service for paginating large collections of database entities in upgrade tasks.

By definition the paginator is not thread safe. It is expected to be used in a single-threaded environment within an upgrade tasks.

  • Method Details

    • forEachPage

      <T> void forEachPage(@NotNull @NotNull DatabaseUpgradePaginator.PaginatedDataSupplier<T> dataSupplier, @NotNull @NotNull Consumer<Collection<T>> consumer)
      Executes the given consumer on each page of an underlying large collection of elements. The elements are fetched using the dataSupplier page by page, with default pageSize.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of elements iterated over
      dataSupplier - a supplier for fetching paginated data from the actual data source
      consumer - action to perform for each page; every call will be wrapped in a separate transaction
    • forEachPage

      <T> void forEachPage(@NotNull @NotNull DatabaseUpgradePaginator.PaginatedDataSupplier<T> dataSupplier, int pageSize, @NotNull @NotNull Consumer<Collection<T>> consumer)
      Executes the given consumer for each page of an underlying large collection of elements. The elements are fetched using the dataSupplier page by page, with specified pageSize.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of elements iterated over
      dataSupplier - a supplier for fetching paginated data from the actual data source
      pageSize - size of each fetched page
      consumer - action to perform for each page; every call will be wrapped in a separate transaction
    • forEach

      <T> void forEach(@NotNull @NotNull DatabaseUpgradePaginator.PaginatedDataSupplier<T> dataSupplier, @NotNull @NotNull Consumer<T> consumer)
      Executes the given consumer for each element of an underlying large collection of elements. The elements are fetched using the dataSupplier page by page, with default pageSize.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of elements iterated over
      dataSupplier - a supplier for fetching paginated data from the actual data source
      consumer - action to perform for each element; executed in transactions, one transaction per page
    • forEach

      <T> void forEach(@NotNull @NotNull DatabaseUpgradePaginator.PaginatedDataSupplier<T> dataSupplier, int pageSize, @NotNull @NotNull Consumer<T> consumer)
      Executes the given consumer for each element of an underlying large collection of elements. The elements are fetched using the dataSupplier page by page, with specified pageSize.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of elements iterated over
      dataSupplier - a supplier for fetching paginated data from the actual data source
      pageSize - size of each fetched page
      consumer - action to perform for each element; executed in transactions, one transaction per page