Interface ResultStatisticsProvider

All Known Subinterfaces:
BuildResultsSummary, ChainResultsSummary, ImmutableChainResultsSummary, ImmutableResultsSummary, MutableBuildKeyResultsSummary, ResultsSummary, TestCaseResultStatisticsProvider
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractResultsSummary, BaseResultSummary, BuildResultsSummaryImpl, ChainResultsSummaryImpl, ImmutableResultsSummaryImpl, TestCaseResultStatisticsProviderImpl

@PublicApi public interface ResultStatisticsProvider
An abstract interface of "result" objects which is used to draw statistics.
  • Method Details

    • getBuildState

      BuildState getBuildState()
      Build state.
      build state
    • getBuildNumber

      int getBuildNumber()
      Get build number
      build number of the described build
    • getBuildDate

      @Nullable @Nullable Date getBuildDate()
      When the build was executed
      date of build execution or null if build was not executed yet
    • getStatDate

      @NotNull @NotNull Date getStatDate()
      When the build was executed. If build was not completed, queued time is provided instead.
      date of build execution or queued time if build was not executed or state is unknown
    • getDuration

      long getDuration()
      Get duration of the build in milliseconds.
      duration of the build in milliseconds
    • getProcessingDuration

      long getProcessingDuration()
      Get processing duration of the build in milliseconds.
      processing duration of the build in milliseconds