Interface PlanBranchMetadata

All Known Implementing Classes:
MutablePlanBranchMetadata, PlanBranchMetadataImpl

public interface PlanBranchMetadata
Represents branch data stored at a plan level in order to provide necessary redundancy. Under normal circumstances it is identical to the data accessible through the plan branch'es default repository. Most of the content of this class can be empty, as a plan branch can be created even if there's no underlying VCS repository.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    @Nullable VcsBranch
    Vcs branch built by this plan branch.
    @Nullable Long
    Id of the default repository of the plan branch when its status was last checked.
    If last verification of metadata failed.
  • Method Details

    • getVcsBranch

      @Nullable @Nullable VcsBranch getVcsBranch()
      Vcs branch built by this plan branch.
    • getVcsRepositoryId

      @Nullable @Nullable Long getVcsRepositoryId()
      Id of the default repository of the plan branch when its status was last checked.
    • isMarkedInvalid

      boolean isMarkedInvalid()
      If last verification of metadata failed.